Fuzzy Set Model Performance Evaluation of the Agro-industrial Cluster
Yu.M. Sapego, Deputy Director, Educational and Methodical Work, Voronezh Branch FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Voronezh, Russia, metod@asms-vrn.ru
key words
regional agro-industrial cluster, quality and safety management system, conceptual model
of the assessment of quality
and safety management system, mathematical apparatus of fuzzy set theory
Formation of agro-industrial clusters is one of the most effective areas of sustainable development of regions. The level of competitiveness, food quality and safety of cluster’s agricultural products depends on the effectiveness of its management system. Regional agroindustrial cluster as a distributed system is a complex organizational and technical management object. That’s why an objective assessment of its effectiveness is of particular relevance when making managerial decisions. The methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the agro-industrial cluster’s control system in terms of food products’ quality and safety on the basis of mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets is given. The main significance of the developed hierarchical model is obtaining in the current time values of the indicators necessary for management decision-making in terms of food quality and safety of agricultural products cluster.
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