Conceptual Aspects of Lean Production of Goods and Services

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.V. Glushchenko, Professor, Department, Management and Personnel Management of the Organization, Emperor Nicholas II Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow, Russia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. I.I. Glushchenko, Professor, Financial Accounting and Statistics Department, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia,

key words

concept, production, economical production, theory, philosophy, mission, vision, losses, strategy, principles, risk


Crisis management tendencies analysis allows to draw a conclusion on actual of lean production introduction in all new fields of activity. Therefore, the concept and content of conceptual approach to lean production of commercial and noncommercial spheres needs to further improvement. Thus, we have investigated functions, roles and structural elements of conceptual approach to lean production and have formed the general theory of lean production.
Lean production is a subject of article. The purpose of article is development of conceptual approach to lean production (the theory of thrift). For achievement of this goals we have solved problems:
(a) carrying out search and the analysis of publications on a subject of the theory and anti-recessionary application of lean production for confirmation of relevance of the research presented in the present article;
(b) formations and descriptions of an object, method, functions, roles, laws of the scientific theory of lean production;
(c) investigations anti-recessionary opportunities and the directions of development of conceptual approach to lean production of goods and services.
Scientific novelty of article is defined by formation and a research of conceptual approach to lean production, a research and the description of structural elements of the lean production theory, structuring risks of formation and introduction of the this concept.

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