Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Cost Estimates for the Creation of High­Tech


Prof. Dr. A.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, RF Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russia, alex.clein51@yandex.ru

Dr. A.Yu. Pronin, Senior Researcher, RF Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russia, pronin46@bk.ru

key words

high-tech products, technology, process design, unification, import substitution


Increased competition in the industry requires finding and applying new approaches to business development and to create stable links with the community, partners and government authorities. This implies that corporate social responsibility plays an important role in the competitiveness and requires the development of new management models. In the article I discuss the approaches to the creation of a management model of corporate social responsibility, conduct analysis of existing approaches and highlight their features. On the basis of the analysis I came to the conclusion that no single model of corporate social responsibility is not taken into account indirect socio­economic efficiency. Based on this principle, I create an integrated model of social responsibility, which takes into account the relationship between stakeholders. The developed model is based on the synthesis and amplification of the effect of carrying out social projects and investments. The use of integrated management models for corporate social responsibility will create social programs, under which industrial Corporation will be able to act simultaneously on several subjects. Eventually, the company will be able to achieve synergies and increase the productivity of their operations.

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