Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia) 6 /2019

ISSN 1993-8780


Involvement of Enterprise Employees in Production

Processes. Approaches and Principles

V.V. Yushin1, Ivanteevka Branch of the Moscow Polytechnic University, wladgit@gmail.com

1 Lecturer, Moscow, Russia

Citation: Yushin V.V. Involvement of Enterprise Employees in Production Processes. Approaches and Principles, Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia), 2019, no. 6, pp. 40–45

key words

principles and approaches to the process of personnel involvement, production processes, effective management


It is known that one of the main goals of the company is to make a profit. Effective use of human resources is one of the main means for goal’s achieving. It is an important task of the employer to force the staff of the organization to produce the necessary product or service in a timely manner and with the required quality. It is believed that organization of the workforce effective work is possible through motivation and involvement of staff. There are many ways, methods, approaches and principles of employee motivation, described by both foreign and domestic scientists. However, at present, there is a few scientific literature, comprehensively considering the methods of involvement of personnel in the production processes in our country. In contrast to the methods of employees’ motivation, there is no scientifically sound formulation of the involvement concept, applicable to the economic reality of our country.

I describe the principles and approaches to the involvement process, define the process of involvement and provide recommendations for the involvement of workers in the production processes.

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