Acceptance Control of Finished Product. QMS Process Design

Dr. K.V. Zhegera, Associate Professor of Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, Russia,

Dr. N.A. Petukhova, Associate Professor of Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, Russia,

G.M. Kudratova, Magistracy Student, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, Russia,

key words

quality management system, process, SADT-model, acceptance control


The quality management problem’s enterprise is one of the factors of increasing competitiveness. We chose the acceptance finished products process, which plays an important role in ensuring the quality and safety of products.

We examined the main processes of the quality management system at the enterprise, presented the scheme of their interaction, made up the SADT-model of the finished products acceptance process. Its reflects the way of implementing the agreed and reliable structural decomposition. We also developed a process passport and compiled a table for recording quality records.

We believe that the development of the Acceptance Control of Finished Products process will allow to optimize the work of the enterprise, prevent the production of defective products and will provide an opportunity to learn the needs of customers through surveys. All this will increase the competitiveness of products which will increase the competitiveness of products.

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