Legal and Regulatory Base of Certification of the Test Equipment

Dr. V.G. Kutyaykin, Heard of Department, Standardization, Certification & Quality Management, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch, FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation,

K.K. Savrovskiy, Chief, Laboratory of Industrial Measurement and Testing, FB Nizhegorodskiy CSM, Nizhniy Novgorod,


key words

unity of measurements, the test equipment, systems and devices with measuring functions,

the sphere of state regulation, certification, accreditation


In the research, I considered the positioning of the test equipment qualification procedures in the legal framework for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Russian Federation.

The test equipment is widely used in assessing the conformity of facilities with the technical regulations, standards, terms of contracts and production control. Test equipment is one of the most important elements of metrological provision of facilities’ conformity assessment with technical regulations’ requirements, standards, terms of contracts, as well as production control. However, there is an ambiguity in the interpretation of some issues, in particular the need for certification of test equipment. In this article I made an attempt to systematize the legal and regulatory documents in relation to the procedure for certification of test equipment.

1. RF Federal Law from 26/06/2008 N 102-FZ On ensuring unity of measurements (In Russia).
2. RF Federal Law from 27/12/2002 N 184-FZ Оn technical regulation (In Russia).
3. RF Federal Law of 28/12/2013 N 412-FZ On Accreditation in the National System of Accreditation (In Russia).
4. RF Ministry of economy development from 30/05/2014 N 326 Criteria of accreditation and the list of the documents confirming compliance of the applicant and the accredited person to criteria of accreditation (In Russia).
5. GOST 16504–81 The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions (In Russia).
6. GOST R 8.568–97 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of testing equipment. General principles
(In Russia).
7. GOST R 8.674–2009 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. General requirements for measuring instruments and systems and devices with measuring function (In Russia).
8. GOST R 8.678–2009 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Forms of conformity assessment of technical systems and devices with measuring function the specified requirements (In Russia).
9. GOST ISO 9000–2011 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.
10. GOST ISO/IEC 17025–2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (In Russia).
11. GOST R 8.563–2009 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements (In Russia).
12. RMG 63–2003 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effect of measurements by the control of technological processes. Metrological examination of technical documents (In Russia).
13. GOST 25051.3–83 Vibration testing equipment. Methodic of verification (In Russia).
14. GOST 25051.4–83 Electrodynamic vibration testing equipment. General specifications (In Russia).
15. GOST R 53616–2009 Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for humidity endurance test chambers (In Russia).
16. GOST R 53618–2009 Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for temperature resistance test (In Russia).
17. GOST R 54082–2010 Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Data processing methods for chamber certification (calibration) (In Russia).
18. GOST R 54083–2010 General requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for temperature resistance test (In Russia).
19. GOST R 54436–2011 Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for humidity endurance cyclic tests (In Russia).
20. GOST R ISO 18472–2009 Sterilization of health care products. Biological and Chemical indicators. Test equipment (In Russia).
21. GOST ISO 9001–2011 Quality management systems. Requirements (In Russia).
22. GOST R ISO 10012–2008 Enterprise management. Measurement management systems. Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment (In Russia).
23. GOST R 51672–2000 Metrological ensuring of product testing for the assurance of conformity. General principles (In Russia).
24. RMG 128–2013 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the creation of laboratories performing tests and measurements (In Russia).
25. RF Code about administrative offenses of 30/12/2001 N 195-FZ (In Russia).