Problems of Naturalness and Compliance of Dairy


Dr. M.I. Sychev, Associate prof., Odessa State Academy on Technical Regulation and Quality, Ukraine, Odessa Dr., prof. L.V. Kolomiets, Rector, Odessa State Academy on Technical Regulation and Quality, Ukraine, Odessa,

key words

dairy products, falsification, naturalness, identification, structure, safety, melamine, analysis methods


The most dangerous is a production falsification with replacement of consumer properties, change of natural structure, introduction to its structure of components, unhealthy people. Such types of falsification are especially widespread in production of the dairy products having the wide range and high consumption level in comparison with meat and fish products. It does dairy products the most attractive to falsifiers. In our article we considered the main ways of falsification of dairy products, presented results of the analysis of methods of determination of quality and data security of products which is carried out by us, and also conditions of the legislative and normative documents regulating branch. Taking into account all aforesaid we offered recommendations about improvement of methods of identification of counterfeits, establishments of naturalness of dairy production.

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