Improving the Competitiveness of Production in High-tech Industries on the Basis of Risk Management Automation

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Section of Applied Problems, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. V.V. Kalachanov, Associate Professor, FSBEI HPE, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) — MAI,

Moscow, Russia,

Dr. E.A. Ratnikova, Associate Professor, FSBEI HPE MAI, Moscow, Russia,

key words

competitiveness of production, aircraft construction, life cycle, automated risk management system


The competitiveness improvement of production in the aviation industry can be achieved through introduction and development of tools and procedures of control automation by economic and technological risk management at all stages of the life cycle of products produced in the aircraft industry. The basic principles of operation of such risk management automated systems and its requirements are formulated. The authors believe that the widespread introduction of such systems in the aircraft building enterprises will lead to increased investment in the stages of development and modernization of aircraft products and more fully consider the needs of customers and the operating conditions. This, in turn, will reduce costs for the entire lifecycle of aeronautical products and, ultimately, increase the competitiveness of Russian aircraft production in the world markets.

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