Kompetentnost' 6/117/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Lean Management Formation Problems in Russia

L.A. Yamalieva, Assistant, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev — Kazan Aviation

Institute, Naberezhnye Chelny branch, KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia

Dr. V.D. Mogilevets, Associate Professor, KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia, mogilevets@kd.kamaz.org

Dr. S.M. Imamutdinova, Associate Professor, KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia

D.R. Matveeva, Senior Lecturer, KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia

key words

lean manufacturing, Lean concept, Lean management, qualitative characteristics of Lean management, cost accounting


The article analyzes Russian and international experience of Lean concepts development, which is the basis of new approaches to management formation. Lean management covers all spheres of enterprise activity and represents the system of making simple decisions, allowing eliminating losses and achieving competitive advantages in different industrial markets. However, more than ten-year experience of Lean concept implementation in Russia has shown that this approach despite its openness and accessibility, often gives quick positive results in the short term and is difficult in settling down in the long term. There are several problems in personnel management and in the finished products cost price formation while its application. Solution of these problems requires a scientific approach, which determines future research directions.
The article analyzes Russian and international experience of Lean concepts development, which is the basis of new approaches to management formation. Some problems aroused during its application are discusses.

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