Support Programs for RF Enterprises
Assoc. Prof. Dr. A.L. Barannikov, Associate Professor, Anti-recessionary and Corporate Management Department, Plekhanov Russian Economical University, Moscow, Russia
Dr. M.V. Danilina, Associate Professor, Risk Analysis and Economic Security Department, ESEBU FPT, Financial University
under Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. K.Yu. Bagratuni, Associate Professor, State and Municipal Finance Department, ESEBU FPT, Financial University under Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
key words
government programs, support for enterprises, stabilization program, support for small business modernization
In the frame of the complicated foreign and domestic economic and political conditions, support of businesses is of a great importance.
Negative influence of some factors on Russia economy has led to a problem of growth in the country of number of the insolvent enterprises. The insolvent enterprises extremely negatively influence economic development. In view of complex external and intra economic conditions financial support of the similar enterprises becomes today a paramount problem. We have analysed programs to the enterprises support developed and sold in Russia last decades. Also we have considered the main lines of financing and implementation conditions, first of all small and average business.
By results of carried out research it is possible to draw a conclusion, that in Russia enough of programs for support of the enterprises, stimulations of their growth and solvency operates.
1. RF Мinistry of Economic Development Order of 15/02/2010 N 58 (amend. from 15/03/2010).
2. RF Мinistry of Economic Development Order of 16.02.2010 N 59 Оn measures on realization of the government support for small and average business in 2010.
3. RF Governmental order of 6.05.2008 N 358 (In Russia).
4. RF Government Program of the Anti-recessionary measures on 2010; minec/ activity/ sections/.../crisis/
5. RF Мinistry of Economic Development Order of 20/03/2009 N 97 (In Russia).
6. RF Мinistry of Economic Development Order of 14/07/2008 N 194 (In Russia).
7. RF Government Order of 27/02/2009 N 178 (In Russia).
8. RF Government Order of 14/07/2007 N 446 On government program of the agriculture development and regulation of the agriculture productions, raw materials and foodstuffs markets for 2008–2012.
9. RF Federal Law of 29/12/2006 N 264-ФЗ On agriculture development.
10. RF Мinistry of Agriculture Order of 9.06.2009 № 218 On the branch target program on development of small forms of managing
(In Russia).
11. RF Federal Law of 17/05/2007 N 82-FZ On bank development.
12. Vneshekonombank: Procedure of financial support for small and average business; http://www.rosbr/files/content/poryadoc.
13. MSP Bank: Procedure of financial support for small and average business and selection of its participants; http://www.rosbr/files/
14. MSP Bank: Standard crediting regulations of small and average business; http://www.rosbr/files/content/podderjkaspd.doc (In Russia).
15. Common principles of banks-partners selection under the program of financial support for small and average business.
16. MSP Bank: The procedure of position of financial support for small and average business, selections of its participants; http://www. rosbr/files/content/ndoc1.doc.
17. Support Programs,
18. ID=324846&SECTION_ID.