Extraterritorial Industrial Clusters as an Important

Component of Innovation Systems

L.V. Il’inykh, Leading Researcher, Department of Foreign Economic Integration of Chemical Complex, Scientific Research

Institute Technical and Economical Research, Moscow, Russia, ilinykh22@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. A.E. Khachaturov, Professor, Head of Department, Management and Marketing Department, Mendeleev

Russian University of Chemical and Technology, Moscow, Russia, tavrizyan@mail.ru

key words

extraterritorial clusters, neoindustrialization, globalization, national innovation systems, sustainable development, technological development


We have devoted this article to the issue of industrial clusters’ transformation at the present stage of technology development. We have attempted to prove that the implementation of neoindustrialization process requires the formation not territorial but extraterritorial industrial clusters. This process is aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of national economy and improvement of the national innovation system. We have noted that in our country the majority of federal and regional programs of cluster development are still focused on the formation of regional industrial clusters. We are confident that for the purposes of Russian economy neoindustrialization it is objectively required to form at the RF territories not only territorial but also extraterritorial industrial clusters. We consider they will provide a more competitiveness of industrial production and will become important units of the national innovation system.

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