Kompetentnost' 9–10/150–151/2017

ISSN 1993-8780


Learning Organization as a Way of Solving

Personnel Problems

Dr. Е.Yu. Sergeeva, Researcher, FSBEI HPE Kemerovo State University (Belovo Branch), Belovo, Russia, sergeevaeu3@gmail.com

key words

system of continuous education, lifelong learning, blended

learning, labor organization, labor productivity, ICT, human capital


Today, the way of adapting a business to an unstable environment is investing in human capital — creating a learning organization through a learning system, transferring, sharing knowledge, accumulating human capital within the company. The creation of learning organization is necessary to constantly update the professional knowledge and skills of employees. The corporate training system contributes to the improvement of labor efficiency and, in general, the company’s competitiveness. However, it is impossible to build a learning organization without a comprehensive, systemic approach that can debug the mechanism of the enterprise’s functioning and increase its adaptive capacity for the external environment. In this article, I have investigated the need to create a learning organization in an environment of unstable external environment, as well as the negative impact of unskilled personnel on building a learning company, proposed an algorithm for necessary organizational changes in the company.

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