State Contracts: Counteraction to Shadow

Economic Processes

А.А. Bochurov, Deputy, Head, Economic Safety and Anti-Corruption State Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St.-Petersburg and Leningrad Region, St.-Petersburg, Russia,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. А.Kh. Kurbanov, Professor, Material Support Department, General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Material and Technical Support Army, St.-Petersburg, Russia,

V.G. Shil’nikov, Officer, Military Division 63572, St.-Petersburg, Russia

key words

military organization of the state, state defense order, state contract, enterprises of the defense and industry complex, shadow economy, shadow economic processes


The existence of shadow economic processes is an objective reality not only of modern economic relations. They have their own history, are distinguished by their industry specificity and are manifested at the macro-, meso- and microlevels. From the standpoint of ensuring state interests, it is impossible to ignore shadow economic processes. With the right approach, the availability of an administrative resource, it is possible not only to reduce their negative impact on the economy, but also to eliminate it in principle.

We examined the features of countering shadow economic processes in enterprises participating in the execution of government contracts, analyzed the methods for assessment and counteraction to these processes.

The results of the study can be demanded by control bodies during the work on the identification of shadow economic processes at the stage of their formation, during localization and elimination at all stages.

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