Kompetentnost' 4/125/2015

ISSN 1993‑8780


Fuzzy Sets Management as a Tool for QFD Quality

Function Deployment Method Improvement

A.V. Melikhov, Deputy General, FBI, Rostest-Moskva, Moscow, Russia, kazaam21@bk.ru

key words

household appliances production, quality management system, interaction with the consumer, focus groups, quality function

deployment, fuzzy sets, fuzzification and defuzzification, test products


The  application  of  QFD  method  in  the  process  of  the  organization’s  QMS  for  the production  of  complex  household  appliances  (CHA)  is  discusses.  It  is  noted  that  the QFD  is  virtually  supposed  to  be  the  only  method  to  date  quality  management  tool that  allows  you  to  quickly  consider  the  opinions  of  consumers  in  the  design  process of  modern  complex  household  appliances.  However,  this  method  is  not  widely  used because  of  the  complexity  of  the  transfer  of  opinions  and  expectations  of  consumers in  the  technical  characteristics  of  the  product,  since  it  is  based  on  a  subjective interpretation  of  technical  experts  qualitatively  consumer  demands.  It  is  proposed the use of certain methods of the theory of fuzzy sets to eliminate this disadvantage of the QFD method and provide translation of fuzzy opinion of the consumer to product technical parameters by the calculated method. In addition, it is shown that the use of re­QFD­analysis after studying by the focus groups the results of sample tests on the major consumption function significantly reduces the asymmetry of market demand for complex household appliances.

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5. Orlov A.I. Prikladnaya statistika [Applied Statistics], Moscow, Ekzamen, 2004, 656 p.

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