On Quality of Social and Information Services to the Population

Prof. Dr. M.N. Kozin, Chief Scientific Officer, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Moscow, Russia N.S. Shilkina, Postgraduate Student, Research Center of Informatics at the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

key words

communication, quality, efficiency, social service, system, model, information technology


We have developed a model for quality assurance of social and information services. The model is based on improving the efficiency of information exchange. We have identified the principles, methods, approaches and means of information exchange in the provision of these services. We have found that the vector of information exchange directed at increasing the quality and efficiency in the delivery of social and information services to the public and is aimed at the solution of many problems. They are: more efficient use of all resources of socio-economic system, enterprise activity stimulation and the growth of the state social responsibility to society, resource saving, market development, and increasing the amount of provided social and information services. We believe it provides growth of labor productivity in various sectors of economy, increase the efficiency of budget financing of social sphere and overcoming the stagnation processes in the economy.

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