The Model of Implementation the HACCP System as a Tool for Innovative Development
L.A. Fedyk, Head of Voluntary Certification Body, All-Russian Register, Tyumen, Russia,
A.P. Smutok, Expert Auditor, Certification Body, All-Russian Register, Tyumen, Russia,
key words
safety management system, food production, consistent quality, competitive risks
Hazard may occur at any stage of the production chain while the production of food. A preventive system of food safety management based on HACCP principles allows to avoid this. Today, implementation and support of this system are mandatory for the United States, the EU and the Customs Union. The main goals and objectives of the system, its basic principles, the methodology of development and implementation are discussed in our article. Though the introduction of the system is a laborious process, we believe that the small and medium enterprises of food industry must use this model. Firstly, it reduces the risk of production of unsafe products and thus increases consumer confidence. Secondly, these companies get a better chance to succeed by promoting their products to foreign markets.
1. GOST R 9000–2011 Quality Management System. Fundamentals and vocabulary (In Russia).
2. GOST R 51705.1–2001 Quality Systems. Management quality of food products based on HACCP principles. General requirements
(In Russia).
3. Donchenko L.V. Bezopasnost’ pishchevoi produktsii: ucheb. posobie [Food Safety], Moscow, DeLi print, 2007, 539 p.
4. Ponomarev O.I. KHASSP — idti v nogu so vremenem [HACCP responds the changing times], Pishchevaya promyshlennost’, 2003, no. 10, pp. 86–87.
5. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union ‘On food safety’ (TR CU 021/2011). app. by CU Commission Decision of 9 December, 2011 no. 880 (In Russia).
6. GOST R ISO 22004–2008 Safety management systems of food production. Guidelines for the application of ISO 22000:2005 (In Russia).
7. GOST R ISO 22000–2007 Safety management systems of food production. Requirements for the organizations involved in the food chain (In Russia).