Kompetentnost' 6/157/2018

ISSN 1993-8780


Organizational Culture and Competence in the Quality Management System

Assoc. Prof. Dr. E.V. Vorontsov, Professor, Organization and Management Department Belarusian State Economic

University, Ratomka, Minsk Region, Republic of Belarus, vev1941@tut.by

key words

organizational culture, initiative, competence, knowledge, skills, social action, intellectual resources, human resources, quality management


I considered the role of organizational culture and initiative in acquiring competence. The organizational culture is a tool that ensures the development of an initiative aimed at acquiring competencies that ensure high quality, productivity and labor performance, I believe. Knowledge should be perceived by management not as an instrument, but as a mode of action, transformed into the ability to act and understand.

The mobilizing organizational culture determines the behavior of the personnel of the collective, makes it initiative and highly productive, stimulates the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills, and increases the professional competence of the staff. Values in the organization are: diligence, labor discipline, mastering of effective working methods, flexibility and rationalization of work, initiative, ensuring employees’ loyalty to leadership, using effective methods of communication and cooperation, methods of operational management.

The role of organizational culture and initiative in acquiring competence is considered. I’m argued that the corresponding organizational culture is a tool that ensures the development of an initiative aimed at acquiring competencies that ensure high quality, productivity and work efficiency. Knowledge should be perceived by management not as an instrument, but as a mode of action, transformed into the ability to act and understand.

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