Standardization — the Normative Basis for Sustainable Enterprise Development
Yu.V. Chernykh, Senior Teacher, Deputy Head, St.Petersburg Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational),
key words
standardization, sustainable enterprise development, standards, economic growth, ecology, social development, resource saving
Most publications on the problems of sustainable development of enterprises characterize sustainability exclusively in the economic sense — through solvency, profitability, competitiveness, etc. In this article, I have proposed to define the concept of «sustainable enterprise development» through standardization tools. It is well known, that standardization has a direct impact on all components of sustainable development, therefore, its main goal is to ensure sustainable development.
In the study, I examined the content and application of international and national standards that affect the main components of sustainable development, such as economic growth, reducing the impact on the environment (ecology), social development, resource saving.
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