Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Methods of Assessing the State of Defense

Products’ Standardization

E.Yu. Neskorodev, Chief Expert, Technical Control Department, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. A.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, Central Research Institute 46, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, alex.clein51@yandex.ru

key words

defence production standardization system, standardization participants, expert evaluation method, simulation method, planning work on standardization


In our research we analyzed the content of the current system of defense product standardization: basic documents, in accordance with the work on standardization of defense products, as well as the members. At first we identified the problems in the functioning of the standardization system at the present point of reforming the federal bodies of executive power. Among them: the lack of clear ideas about the structure of the participants of the standardization and of information flows between them; the need to revise and update a number of standards and guidelines.
We used the method of expert evaluation and simulation modeling in order to determine the extent to which the current system of defence products’ standardization corresponds to the modern structure of the participants' work in this field. The first one allowed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the standardization system state and to obtain absolute values of its effectiveness.
The problem of determining the structure of standardization participants was solved with the help of the simulation modeling method based on a graphical representation of the systems in the IDEF0 sphere. The fundamental advantage of multi­level representation of the system in standardization is the ability to link macro and micro levels of its functioning, that is to consider the impact of external factors and the response to these internal parameters of the system jointly.
We came to the conclusion of the possibility of further formalizing the process of assessing the state of defense product standardization.
We consider the presented above order of its simulation modeling in the IDEF0 sphere as a peculiar technology of integration system or synthesis system.

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