Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
Planning of the Lean Methodology Implementation
I.A. Elin, Postgraduate, Department, Quality Management and Certification, K.E. Tsiolkovsky MATI — RGTU, Moscow, Russia, Igor_elin@hotmail.com
Prof. Dr. V.A. Vasil'ev, Head, Department Quality Management and Certification, K.E. Tsiolkovsky MATI — RGTU, Moscow, Russia, vasiliev@mati.ru
key words
quality management, project management, methodology implementation, planning phase, lean production system
Implementation of the lean methodology involves the use of methods to structure and formalize work of the implementation to the most effective. One of the primary methods is project management methodology (A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge). We described the tasks which should be done on the planning phase of the lean methodology in organization in order to find out key streams of the work.
Planning is the key phase of the lean methodology implementation project. Carrying out on the planning phase such activities as the creation of the work breakdown structure and communications plan will develop a basic plan for the implementation of the methodology of lean production, organize and construct effective interaction of all responsible persons and entities within the framework of the project and ensure compliance with the principles of quality management, as well as with international ISO 9000 standards or standards based on them. Article code 658.5.012.14.
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