Forecasting the Output Characteristics of Business

Processes: Transfer Function Process

Dr. N.S. Khersonskiy, Senior Researcher, General Director Soyuzsert, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Quality

Organization (VOK), Auditor of Russian and Foreign Certification Systems, Moscow, Russia,

key words

parameters, process model, consumer, forecasting, risks, planning


I considered the issues of improving the effectiveness and the quality management systems effectiveness and their impact on the products quality and reliability. I propose a model that allows forecasting the future activities of enterprises. The considered scientific and technical approaches allow to increase the practical value of management systems.

In conclusion, I (a) developed a model for predicting the output parameters of business processes, depending on the information on the output and input parameters of the process, and (b) showed the implementation of this model for the process of pressing a piece of polymer, and (c) proposed an algorithm for the development of a single electronic system of enterprise management, which is part of which should become models for forecasting the business indicators of the organization.

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