Kompetentnost' 3/124/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

The Rational Model of the Quality Management

System: Higher Education Institutions

V.I. Shevchenko, Rector, Belarussian State Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, shevchenko@yandex.ru

Dr. Associate Prof. E.V. Vorontsov, Professor, Department of Organization and Management, Belarussian State

Economic University, settlement Ratomka, Minsk region, Belarus, vev1941@tut.by

key words

standards, quality management, educational institution, national characteristics


The formation of the economy knowledge is gradually changing theorists and practitioners’ views on the role of different instruments to achieve competitiveness of the organization in today’s society. It entails additional research application by using management systems in educational institutions (EI).

We have analyzed models and features of quality management systems in educational institutions around the world including Russia. According to our researchers we consider that the most rational for educational institutions is the model used in quality management systems that meet the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.

The common approaches to the quality management in most models EI QMS and the conformity assessment requirements under the country’s rules, similar to the practice of ISO, confirm the validity of the recognition that the QMS model contained in the ISO 9000 is the most appropriate for the EI. Of course, national characteristics and requirements of the legislation may encourage using other models or making adjustments to the model according to ISO 9000. Educational institutions can choose the system of processes capable to consider national features and to realize positive approaches.

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