Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia) 6 /2019

ISSN 1993-8780


Innovative Development of Chemical Industry as the Locomotive of the Neoindustrialization

A.E. Khachaturov1, Prof. Dr., tavrizyan@mail.ru

E.A. Khachaturov-Tavrizyan2, MUCTR, j.khachaturov@gmail.com

L.V. Starostenko1, lstarostenko.iam@gmail.com

1 Мoscow, Russia

2 Senior Lecturer at Management and Marketing Department, Мoscow, Russia

Citation: Khachaturov A.E., Khachaturov-Tavrizyan E.A., Starostenko L.V. Innovative Development of Chemical Industry as the Locomotive of the Neoindustrialization,

Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia), 2019, no. 6, pp. 12–19

key words

neoindustrialization, chemical complex, sixth technological mode, modernization, human capital


We speak on the key role of the chemical industry innovation development in the neoindustrialization of the Russian economy. We believe that Russia needs urgent intensification of the chemical complex development by creating new and improving existing technologies through the full cycle implementation of domestic innovative chemical technologies development. That are research; integrated laboratory installation; pilot testing; standardization; investment project; implementation; personnel and scientific and technical support. The crucial role in meeting this challenge is payed to human capital. Training and advanced training for the chemical complex are the necessary conditions for the development and implementation and introduction of modern technological processes and production of high value-added quality products, to prevent the negative environmental impact, enhance production economic efficiency and improve the quality of life of people.

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