Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

The Impact of the Regional Research and Education Centers on the Regional Development

Prof. Dr. L.P. Kleeva, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, lusy45@ya.ru


key words

socio-economic development of the region, competitiveness, human resources, investment climate, research and education center, innovations


According to the authors view, an important factor for regional development is the competition between them. The types of inter-regional competition are on consideration. The results of research conducted while developing the concept of regional development strategies are analyzed. It is shown that scientific and educational complexes of depressed region put a negative impact on its economy. The reasons for this phenomenon are analyzed and the ways to overcome them are suggested. The impact of scientific and educational complexes on the socio- economic development of the region largely depends on its innovative activity, the availability of innovative infrastructure and connection of the systems’ data with innovative enterprises. The lack of communication prevents the activation of socio-economic development of the region. Innovation activity of enterprises depends on all the components of regional research and innovation system: science, education, innovation infrastructure, real production and local governments that form an innovative environment.

  1. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V. Sistema obrazovaniya kak element natsional’noy innovatsionnoy sistemy [The education system as part of the national innovation system], Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 2013, no. 3.

  2. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Sistema obrazovaniya v nauchno-innovatsionnom protsesse [The education system in science and innovation process], Vestnik Yuzhno-Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2013, no. 5.

  3. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Vzaimodeistvie nauki i obrazovaniya v otechestvennom nauchno-innovatsionnom protsesse [The interaction of science and education in the national science and innovation process], Kompetentnost’, 2013, no. 8(109).

  4. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Mesto sistemy obrazovaniya v nauchno-tekhnologicheskom potentsiale Rossii [Place the education system in the scientific and technological potential of Russia], Energiya: ekonomika, tekhnika, ekologiya, 2014, no. 4.

  5. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Rol’ sistemy obrazovaniya v razvitii natsional’noy innovatsionnoy sfery. Nauchno- metodicheskoe obespechenie gosudarstvennoy politiki po kadrovomu obespecheniyu innovatsionnoy ekonomiki [The role of education in the development of national innovation sphere. Scientific and methodological support of the state policy on the personnel support for of innovative economy], Preprint, SSRN, 2014.




Кудеяров Ю.А., Медовикова Н.Я.

Метрологическая экспертиза технической документации

Учебное пособие. Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. — М.: АСМС, 2015.

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