Integrated Approach to Quality Management on the ISO 9001:2015 Basis

Dr. V.A. Novikov, Assistant Professor, Head, Quality Management Department, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow, Russia, Dr. E.B. Bobryshev, Associate Professor, ASMS, Moscow, Russia Dr. A.I. Grishin, Associate Professor, Department, ASMS, Moscow, Russia, Dr. E.Yu. Barmenkov, Associate Professor, MAI (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

The role of QMS increases a lot in the modern economy conditions. We have researched the ISO 9001:2015 published by ISO in September last year. The document

QMS, international standard, risk,

has undergone considerable structural changes. It, for the first time, contains the

risk-management, knowledge

requirements based on the theory and practice of the strategic management determining

management, monitoring and

development of world economy in the last decades.

assessment, enhancement of the

company We have analyzed the main changes of the new standard concerning risk management, a scope of the quality system, the concept of knowledge management, information system, monitoring and assessment, etc. Approach to the quality management becomes integrated, and the new standard is a peculiar organization’s certificate of maturity as efficiency of implementation of quality management system entirely depends on aspiration of leaders to continuous enhancement of the company.


  1. ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems – Requirements.
  2. GOSTR51897–2011 Risk management.Terms and definition.
  3. Litvak B.G. Strategicheskiy menedzhment: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov [Strategic management], Moscow, Yurayt, 2013.
  4. Aleksandrov S.L., ZorinYu.V., Novikov V.A. Audity uluchsheniy [Audits of improvements], Moscow, ASMS, 2015.
  5. Dzedik V.A., Ezrakhovich A.Ya. Sozdanieiaudit sistem menedzhmenta kachestvav sootvetstviis mezhdunarodnym standartom ISO 9001:2015 [Creation and audit of QMS according to the ISO 9001:2015],Volgograd, PrinTerra-Dizayn, 2015.