Independent Assessment of Qualifications:

the Law is Passed. What’s Next?

N.R. Verbitskaya, Head, Personnel Department, FBU Nizhny Novgorod CSM, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, verbickaya@nncsm.ru

Kompetentnost' 6/157/2018

ISSN 1993-8780

key words

professional standard, uniform qualification requirements, ensuring uniformity of measurements, legislation


From the beginning of last year, the Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 238-FZ On Independent Assessment of Qualifications came into force, and the professional standard Metrology Specialist was put into effect. Now the employer, with the consent of the employee, can check whether the qualification of the latter corresponds to the requirements of the professional standard. In the article I consider the procedure for conducting an independent evaluation of qualifications.

I analyze its merits, ways of conducting and results. Heads of metrological services will now be able to assess the qualifications of employees by sending them to the evaluation centers for qualification for the professional exam. This is especially true for metrological services, in which there is a small number of specialists in metrology, and there is no one to assess the staff for compliance with the work functions and job descriptions.

1. RF Ministry of Labor Order of 04.03.2014 N 124н On approval of the professional standard. Specialist in Metrology.
2. RF Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 238-FZ On independent assessment of qualifications.
3. GOST R 56069–2014 Requirements for experts and specialists. The verifier of measuring instruments. General requirements.
4. RF Ministry of Economic Development Order of 30.05.2014 N 326 On Approval of the Criteria for Accreditation, the list of documents confirming the compliance of the applicant with the accredited person with the criteria for accreditation, and the list of documents
in the field of standardization, compliance with the requirements of which applicants and accredited persons ensures their compliance with the accreditation criteria.
5. The National Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications; http://nspkrf.ru.
6. Council on professional qualifications in mechanical engineering; http://spksmr.ru.
7. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation 30.12.2001 N 197-ФЗ.
8. RF Government Order of 16.11.2016 N 1204 On approval of the Rules for the assessment of qualifications by the Center for an independent assessment of qualifications in the form of a professional examination.
9. National Agency for the Development of Qualifications; http://nark.ru.
10. RF Federal Law 03.07.2016 N 251-FZ On Amending Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law On Independent Assessment of Qualifications.
11. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation оf 05.08.2000 N 117-ФЗ.