Analysis of Existing Approaches to the Industrial

Enterprise Management

Dr. A.N. Karamyshev, Associated Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of the Kazan Federal University, Naberezhnye

Chelny, Russia,

key words

process approach, organizational approach, management system, industry, enterprise


Industrial enterprise management system is the most important factor of its competitiveness. The main characteristics of the management system are the speed of making sound management decisions, the ability to identify dynamics of the market needs and modify the internal environment in order to produce goods with the required characteristics in a given time and within a certain price. There are two approaches to build a management system: organizational (based on the same type of functions performed by a structural subdivision) and process (based on business processes). In this article I have described advantages and disadvantages of the specified management approaches, I have presented a generalized management model based on the process approach, and also I have identified factors of enterprise process management of higher quality within a market economy.

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