Kompetentnost' 4/125/2015

ISSN 1993‑8780


The Special Characteristics of the Modern Electricity

Meters’ Errors

Dr. Yu.A. Barishev, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Electrical Measurements, FSAEI FVT, ASMS, Moscow, Russia

Dr. N.N. Vostroknutov, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Department, Electrical Measurements, FSAEI FVT, ASMS, Moscow, Russia, vostrkit@yandex.ru

key words

accounting of electric energy, electricity power meters, accuracy, reactive power, traceability, verification officers


There  are  three  different  principles  of  electricity  energy  meters  operation:  inductive; electronic static, that are meters with analog converter power­output; digital electronic, or microprocessor, that calculate power and energy consumed by the results of analog­ to­digital conversion of the instantaneous values of voltage and load current. We have shown that the errors in the energy measurements with such meters depends on their design  features  and  the  algorithms  used  for  calculating  power  and  energy.  The  error composition of these meters depends also on the shape of the curves of voltage and load current.  The  documentation  for  these  meters  often  lacks  information,  which  helps to  take  into  account  special  characteristics  of  meters’  errors  while  designing  electric power  metering  systems.  This  can  lead  to  a  loss  of  the  uniformity  of  measurements of electric power using various types of meters, especially reactive energy meters. While testing the meters it is proposed to require the developer and manufacturer of meters to specify the required information in the documentation. 

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