System Management of Agro-industrial Production Quality and Safety is the Instrument of the Import Policy

Dr. T.A. Salimova, Рrofessor, National Research Mordovia State University, Dean of Economic Department, Head of Quality Management Department, Saransk, Russia,

Yu.M. Sapego, Deputy Head, Voronezh Branch, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (training),

Voronezh, Russia,

key words

regional agro-industrial cluster, management system of production quality and safety, conceptual model of production quality

and safety management


We have shown that the modernization of agricultural production and its consolidation in conjunction with the development of cooperation and integration, as well as improvement of state regulation are essential parts of the modern agro-industrial complex development strategy. We are confident that it will significantly increase the volume of exports of food products, improve food security of the country. All these will intensify the process of import substitution.

In our research, we have shown that the systematic approach to quality management and regional agroclusters product safety is an essential element in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities. In addition, a systematic approach plays an important role in improving the competitiveness of the regions and the national economy as a whole, reducing import dependence of agro-industrial complex of Russia.

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