Strategic Approach to the International Regulation of Chemicals: Informing

N.А. Druzhinina, Leading specialist, LLC Aventin, Moscow, Russia

Е.N. Starikova, Leading specialist, Department, Regulatory Practices Department, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, All- Russian Research Institution for Standardization of Materials and Technology (VNII SMT), Moscow, Russia

E.V. Zbitneva, Head of Department, VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia

Dr. D.О. Skobelev, Director, VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia,

key words

2020 goal, hazard communication, Russian Safety Data Sheet, labelling, draft of Technical Regulation On safety of chemical products


Accessibility of up-to-date and reliable information on hazardous properties of chemicals, as well as the consequences of its adverse effect on human health and the environment, and  measures  to  prevent  or  minimize  such  an  effect  is  a  fundamental  element of  achieving  the  2020  goal  of  the  Strategic  Approach  to  International  Chemicals Management (SAICM). 
The  paper  gives  an  overview  of  current  chemical  control  legislation  of  the Russian  Federation  with  focus  on  the  aspects  of  hazard  communication.  It  includes the  list  of  actual  national  standards  and  recommendation  regarding  the  structure and  content  of  Russian  Safety  Data  Sheet  and  labelling  as  well  as  the  requirements planned  for  introduction  to  the  Russia’s  legislative  framework  in  the  nearest  future (e.g.  the  Register  of  Chemicals  of  the  Customs  Union  and  the  information-analytical subsystem of State Industry Information System). 

1. Osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki v oblasti obespecheniya khimicheskoy i biologicheskoy bezopasnosti Rossiiskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda i dal›neishuyu perspektivu, st. 9, p. k, 1.11.2013, N Pr-2573.

2. R 50.1.101–2014 Guidance on the selection of precautionary statements for the labelling in accordance with GOST 31340-2013 (In Russia).

3. GOST 30333–2007 Russian Safety Data Sheet chemical products. General requirements (In Russia).

4. Tsyb S.A., Storozhenko P.A., Skobelev D.O., Chistyakov A.G., Kondrat'ev V.B., Muratova N.M., Orlov A.Yu., Zbitneva E.V. O Kontseptsii razvitiya sistemy gosregulirovaniya obrashcheniya khimicheskikh veshchestv i produktsii [Development Framework of the Chemicals State Regulation], Kompetentnost’, 2015, no. 6, 7(127, 128).