Kompetentnost' 3/124/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

On the Сoncept of Industrial Corporations’ Social

Responsibility Management Model

I.F. Pinaeva, Graduate, Management, Marketing and Logistics Department, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia, dolinskaya-if@mail.ru

key words

corporate social responsibility, environment and factors

of development, modеl'

of management, efficiency


The growing competition and new approaches to the business development led to the formation of the fact that corporate social responsibility required the development of new models of governance and began to play the role of a new strategic factor of competitiveness.

In my study, I have consistently considered the approaches to modeling management of corporate social responsibility, the provisions of the basic conceptual principles of integrated management model of corporate social responsibility. These principles are directed on strengthening the relationships of subjects of corporate social responsibility, synthesis and synergetic effect from carrying out optimization of corporate social interactions.

The offered complex of corporate social responsibility management model will allow to provide development and rational financing of social programs. Morever, realizing complex model concerning the subject ‘Environment’, the corporation will be able not only to ensure ecological safety of the region, but also to be credible its population, that is in addition to gain effect from the subject ‘Society’.

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Опечатка в тексте. В журнале «Компетентность» № 2–2015 в статье «Промышленные саморегулируемые организации — фундамент экономической модернизации страны» из-за технического сбоя была допущена неточность в должности одного из соавторов: следует читать Е.И. Шоль заместитель руководителя Рабочей группы (E.I. Shol’, Deputy Head, Working Group). Приносим свои извинения автору и читателям журнала.