Application of the Processual Approach
to the Normative Technical Documents Development
Dr. Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, Associate Professor, Russian D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia,
T.S. Gorelenkova, Head of the Gokhran of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
I.V. Popov, Graduate Student, Russian D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia,
key words
processual approach, quality management system, normative technical documents
Modern quality management systems based on ISO 9000 series standards rely on the processual approach. Documentation is one of the main elements of QMS. We believe, well-written documents are the key to successful and effective work of the organization. The use of a processual approach in their creation will increase the level of decision- making and responsibility of employees.
The presence of competent technological instructions allows you to quickly solve problems and transfer knowledge to new employees, we believe. The application of the process approach in documenting processes makes it possible to create logically structured, understandable documents for both employees and inspecting specialists. The description of a specific process in its practical sequence makes the document accessible and easy to understand.
The result of our work was the development of instructions for accepting packages in the organization.
Thus, the application of the document created using the process approach, among other things, will allow you to focus on key processes and their improvement; quickly and efficiently analyze selected processes; reduce the number of violations and improve the efficiency of process management.
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