Investment Management Optimization Founded on Incremental Decision-making Method

Prof. Dr. D.I. Golenko-Ginzburg, Professor, Ben-Gurion University, Negev Beer-Sheva, Israel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.M. Lyubkin, Associate Professor, Department of Project and Program Management, Plekhanov University of Economics, Russian Association of Project Management / SOVNET, Moscow, Russia, Prof. Dr. B.P. Titarenko, Professor, Department of Management and Project Management, Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, Moscow, Russia,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, Department of Project and Program Management, Plekhanov

University of Economics, Moscow, Russia,

key words

project, investments, decision-making


We have considered the designed deterministic incremental model of the decision- making, founded on the use of several criterions of optimization (the target function). We believe that search for variants of the capital investments, estimation and ranking of variants, checking the realization of capital investments on the part of organizations are the key procedure of control investment project and programs. We are confident that similar algorithms and procedures can be used in the investment activities of various credit organizations. We believe that using the proposed algorithms will lead to increases in both, income from investment activities and the effectiveness of managing the implementation of projects.

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