Electric Power Economy or its Deception?
Dr. Yu.A. Baryshev, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Electrical Measurements, FSAEI FVT, ASMS, Moscow, Russia
Dr. N.N. Vostroknutov, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Electrical Measurements, FSAEI
FVT, ASMS, Moscow, Russia, vostrkit@yandex.ru
key words
electric power, accounting of the electric power, electric power economy, electric counters
Devices for electricity ‘economy’ are advertised in the Internet and other mass media. On-line internet stores sell them all over the world. These devices are supposedly based on the ‘transformation of reactive power to the active’, but experts know that such transformation is physically impossible.
We think it is important to explain and demonstrate that it is only an apparent economy. If the consumer pays less for the energy meter, then it happens:
(1) or by reducing the power actually consumed by the load. In this case, it is a consumer fraud;
(2) or by accounting errors that arise from certain types of energy meters due to distortion of the current and voltage curves of load because of the emergence of higher harmonics. In this case, it is an energy theft.
Especially strongly the theft is manifested in induction meters.
We think that a widespread replacement of such meters to electronic is needed, advertising and sale of devices that deceive consumers and create the possibility of electricity theft is unacceptable.
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