Categorizing the Parameters by Their Influence on the Safety and Performance of Products
Dr. N.S. Khersonskiy, Senior Researcher, General Director, Soyuzsert, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Quality
Organization (VOK), Auditor of Russian and Foreign Certification Systems, Moscow, Russia
key words
quality control, reliability, defectiveness level, importance categories, technical requirements
I believe that for serial and mass production it is necessary to return to the classification of their parameters in accordance with the requirements of industry standard 84-612–
79. The information obtained as a result of the evaluation of the monitored parameters must undergo statistical analysis. For serial and mass production it is recommended to apply a system of statistical methods for monitoring, regulating and forecasting the controlled parameters of products.
In the case of single and small-scale production of products and assembly units, it is necessary to apply: automated control means; strict control of technological parameters, as well as attestation of equipment and personnel; a priori (accumulated) information on the controlled parameters of products and assembly units for forecasting the quality of products and assembly units, as well as for assessing the technological risks of their manufacture.
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