Standardization as an Industry and the Basis for Successful Advancement into the Future
G.P. Bunin, Specialist, JSC Scientific and Technical Center of Modern Navigation Technologies Internavigation, Honored
Standardizer of Russia, Moscow, Russia
М.B. Plushchevskiy, Chief Methodologist of the Program, Assistant of the State Civil Service I Class, Full Member of the IPO Academy of Quality Problems, Moscow, Russia,
key words
quality, competitiveness, standardization, new technological order, sustainable development, defense industry
Basis for improving standardization as an industry, its specific forms and methods is appropriate to put the methodology of strategic structuring, we believe. This will help to get a visual and capacious understanding of the strategies of activities to ensure the sustainable development of the object.
Standardization in the field of defense products should be one of the strategic directions for the development and improvement of the Russian standardization system. Today, it is knowledge and high technologies that determine the efficiency of the economy, make it possible to radically improve the quality of life of people, modernize infrastructure and public administration, and ensure law and order and security. Standardization as an industry can be successful only when all directions of its legislative, regulatory, technical, personnel and organizational and structural improvement will be immediately put into practice.
We are confident that standardization should simultaneously be viewed as an activity and a management system, as a science that takes into account the challenges of our time, including crises in waste-processing industries. Only the relationship of all these components will give a significant effect in future development.
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2. GOST R 50577–93 Signs state registration vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements.
3. MVD zadumalo obnovit’ gosstandarty avtomobil’nykh nomerov;
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5. GOST Р 55834–2013 Resource saving. Documentation requirements in the production process. Environmental policy of the enterprise.
6. Plushchevskiy M.B. Avtorskie standarty ponimaniya (v dopolnenie k sotsial’nym i natsional’nym standartam) [Author’s standards of understanding (in addition to social and national standards], Мoscow, АSMS, 2009.
7. GOST R 51750–2001 Energy saving. Methods of determining the energy consumption in the production of goods and provision of services in industrial power systems.
8. RF Government Order of 30.12.2016 N 1567 On the standardization order concerning defense products (goods, works, services) under the state defense order, production used for the purpose of protection of the data which are the state secret or referred to other information of limited access protected according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, production data on which make the state secret, and also processes and other objects of standardization connected.
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10. Bunin G.P., Plushchevskiy M.B. Kachestvo planirovaniya, nadzora I kontrolya v standartizatsii: proshedshee i perspektivy [Quality of planning, supervision and control in standardization: past and future. Analytical review], Moscow, АSMS, 2017, 104 P.