The Statistical Acceptance Control Taking into

Account an Error of Measurements. Plans Choice

G.E. Zil’berbrand, Senior teacher, Nizhniy Novgorod branch ASMS, Nizhniy Novgorod,

key words

statistical acceptance control, choice of plans control, control card, error

of a measurement technique


For carrying out of statistical acceptance quality assurance of chemical production. It is expedient to use control cards. On an average of the chemical enterprise control cards with precautionary borders, or control cards of Shuharta can be used. The choice between these cards can be carried out proceeding from size of an index of suitability of process (Рр). Index of suitability of process (Рр) it is defined experimentally in accordance with GOST R ISO 21747–2010. It is expedient to apply uniform criterion to a choice of all parametres of the plan of the control. As such criterion the author suggests to use risk of a false signal about disorders of process (Rл). I offer a method of a choice of the plan of the control without the economic information. At a choice of the plan of the control it is necessary to consider technological and metrological restrictions. The plan close to the optimum possesses following parametres.
The regulation border coincides with specification requirements. The width of a zone on a control card should be not less doubled error of a technique of measurement.

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8. GOST R 50779.77–99 Statistical methods. Plans and procedures of the statistical acceptance control of not piece production.