Outsourcing: Service Levels and Cooperation


N.V. Lutskaya, Graduate, Irkutsk State Technical University, Senior Representative on Quality, Group of Companies, Forus, Irkutsk, Russia, nlutskaya@forus.ru

key words

outsourcing, business goal, outsourcing levels, cooperation model


I analyze questions of cooperation model’s choice with the outsourcer. There are many techniques of making decision on outsourcing use, however its application expediency often is considered in them in a separation from the customer’s business purposes. I believe what exactly this factor is the base reason for failures of outsourcing cooperation. I consider necessary to allocate various levels of rendering of services of outsourcing and models of interaction of the parties corresponding to them with a binding to the business purposes of the customer and the outsourcer’s opportunities. In this regard I offered:

(1) classification of outsourcing levels depending on the volume of the rendered services;

(2) the models of interaction of the parties corresponding to them;

(3) the most important characteristics of aspects of cooperation of the parties in outsourcing depending on the customer’s business purposes are formulated.

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