Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


On Verification of Modern Digital Instrumentation

According to MI 1202–86

Dr. Yu.A. Baryshev, Associate Professor, Head of Electrical Measurements Department, FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Еducational), Moscow, Russia, baryshev@asms.ru

Dr. N.N. Vostroknutov, Associate Professor, Senior Research Worker, Electrical Measurements Department, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia

key words

measurement methods, calibration, digital measuring instruments, analog-to-digital converters, digital microprocessor-based measuring instruments


More than two decades ago were adopted existing methodological guidelines for verification of digital instrumentation and transducers. During this time there was a real technological revolution in the digital measurement techniques, especially with the appearance of IMC microprocessor. Many of the methods provisions are outdate. That seriously affects the verification quality. We propose employees of the metrological services to make changes and additions to the methodology as well as to the teaching of methodological issues of digital measuring instruments verification.

In the study, we have analyzed the features of microprocessor digital measuring instruments and their effect on the calibration procedure, their main differences from the instruments that make up the error, the effect of fluctuations on the result of the constant voltage component measurement.

In the study, we showed that in the modern digital instrumentation manual it is necessary to specify calculation algorithm used for calculating the measured parameter of the process, acting at the input of the measuring instrument, by measuring its instantaneous values.

Thus, we believe that in the course of the study were declared the necessity of the changes.

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