Increase in Density Layout of Conductive Pattern for Multilayer Wiring Board

Zh.A. Mironova, Master of equipment and technology, Graduate, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Leading engineer, Russian Space Systems, Moscow, Russia,

A.V. Pavlov, Deputy Chief, Center of technological development, Russian Space Systems, Moscow, Russia

key words

multilayer wiring board, method

of increase in density layout, high density interconnection (HDI)


This article describe the methods of increase in density layout of conductive pattern for a BGA with a large pin count (from 169 pcs.) which would be disposed as a matrix with a pitch from 1,5mm to 0,5 mm. Designs and methods of manufacturing are given for each methods of increase in density layout. A method of manufacturing a high density layout of conductive pattern is offered.

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