Kompetentnost' 5/116/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Improving Organizational Management of Housing and Public Utilities as the Path to Modernization

Dr. R.N. Ismailova, Associate Professor, Department of Analytical chemistry, certification and quality management, Kazan

State Technological University, Kazan’, Russia, isma_70@mail.ru

N.G. Nikolaeva, Associate Professor, Kazan State Technological University, Kazan’, Russia, natalia0205@yandex.ru

A.I. Gaptelganova, postgraduate, Oil, Chemistry and Nanotechnologies Institute, Kazan State Technological University, Kazan’, Russia

key words

the services quality, competitiveness, modernization, quality management system, management activities


Quality  of  life  is  determined  by  several  factors,  among  which  there  is  the  quality of housing and public utilities. In 2010, the Russian Government approved a complex program  of  modernization  and  reform  of  such  services.  Aimed  at  modernizing  the whole country's housing and public utilities, the reform in the housing sector involves the creation of a competitive environment as an important factor to improve the quality of housing and communal services. 
In  the  research,  we  use  modern  tools  and  methods  of  quality  management to  improve  the  management.  We  have  studied  the  work  of  the  Kazan  management company  'Nash  dom’  (Our  House).  Owners’  dissatisfaction  with  the  services  of  this company  led  to  the  need  of  management  improvement.  As  one  of  the  main improvements  we  recommended  to  implement  QMS  in  the  company's  operations and  developed  a  strategy  for  the  company.  On  the  basis  of  the  SWOT-analysis,  we identified the key success factors and identified weaknesses. We worked out the matrix of communication requirements of the consumer with the characteristics of the services provided. According to the results of the work we have built a House of quality. First of  all,  we  determined  the  tasks  sequence,  its  duration  and  extension  of  the  project in order to implement the QMS to the company. We used a Gantt chart for this purpose. Introduction  of  modern  tools  and  techniques  of  quality  management  can  improve the  performance  of  the  company  and  increase  the  competitiveness  and  quality  of  its services.

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