Kompetentnost' 3/124/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


The Content of Educational Technology for

Professional Competence Formation

Dr. Associate Prof. V.S. Avanesov, Leading Researcher, Department, I.M. Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. V.I. Balaba, Professor of Department, I.M. Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia, balaba.v@gubkin.ru

Prof. Dr. V.Ya. Kershenbaum, Head, Department, I.M. Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

key words

oil and gas complex, interdisciplinary activity, innovative competences, educational technologies, competitiveness


High rate of innovations in science and technology, continuous and accelerating process of improving industrial technologies require a constant upgrading of the training system which should not only comply with the new technology but also pass ahead them, anticipating the development of technology in a particular professional field.

We believe that the individual qualities of individual professionals do not guarantee the high productivity of their work as it is determined by many factors, including the organization and technology of their joint interprofessional activities. In the study we have shown the importance of the implementation of educational technologies of the information contained in the databases of the competitiveness of domestic and foreign technology and equipment, as the raw material for building a knowledge base and ultimately the necessary competencies of graduates.

Thus the innovations needed to reduce the import dependence of oil and gas complex require adequate technologies in the system of training, that is the creation of such an information space of interdisciplinary work which is necessary for the development of innovative competencies and it covers the widest possible range of ideas and competitive technological solutions in the field of oil and gas production.

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