Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Gemba as an Effective Tool for Organizations


Dr. R.A. Dolzhenko, Assistant Professor, Economics, Sociology of Labor and Personnel Management Department, FSBEI HPE, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, snurk17@gmail.com

key words

efficiency, management efficiency, quality assessment, Kaizen, Gemba, identifying and solving organizational problems, satisfaction with management system, employee motivation


To improve the performance of many Russian companies people start using modern management practices, in particular the achievements of leading Japanese companies. In this regard, I propose to consider the Japanese management practices Gemba, which is part of the Japanese concept of Kaizen business.
Using Gemba allows managers to determine the nature of organization problems on the ground where value is created for internal and external customers; to develop measures to address identified problems, find out the ratio of workers to the system of staff motivation, raise their level of satisfaction.
In the work I will focus on a specific methodology Gemba “Visiting work process places” (organization subdivisions). In other words, it is the development of customer orientation through the study of the “voice of the customer”. I believe that this practice should become a permanent duty for the employee of any level (from top management to the line manager) in order this instrument started bringing tangible results.
Management practices “Gemba” characterized with thoroughness, targeted actions and a clear focus on the target. Every step in detail is regulated, and in the case of strict following the instructions it becomes a guaranteed tool to improve the activity of the sector entrusted to him.
In the course of research, I developed a sequence of actions of the head in order to improve the effectiveness work in his area of responsibility. It comprises the following steps:

problem setting and description algorithm for the problem search recommended research methods

study the effectiveness of the management system and staff motivation

Gemba procedure quality assessment
To assess the quality of work performed by employees of the test unit, you must interview internal and external customers about the service level and completeness of services, to find out the needs of each client interviewed, analyze the information and make logical conclusions on work optimization of the given site.

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