Kompetentnost' 3/114/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Is Protectionism the Element of Corrupt Practices or Progressive Phenomenon?

O.A. Panshin, Deputy Head of Department, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Moscow, Russia, ukadr@gost.ru

key words

corruption, nepotism, economic interests, administrative resource, mentality, impact criteria, society functioning


Despite a wide range of modern researches and publications, the meaning of protectionism is still proved to be not fully explored. The author of the article is seeking approaches of the impact of protectionism assessment criteria on society, with the unconditional recognition of the presence of contradictions in its aspects and offers a way to reduce the impact of negative aspects of this phenomenon. The results of the author’s research on the measures, which the state and society should accept for the state mechanism works well and smoothly, are given.

Negative protectionism impacts, as an element of corrupt practices, are resolved. Risks that could lead to the collapse, if not to the significant difficulty functioning of the state and society, are identified. A detailed analysis of positive protectionism is given. Recommendations for limiting exposure of negative protectionism manifestations are indentified. In conclusion, some approaches to develop evaluation criteria of protectionism impact and its derivatives on the functioning of the state and society are offered.

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