Kompetentnost' 1/152/2018
ISSN 1993-8780
Efficiency of the World’s Largest Companies: Exploration Data Analysis
А.S. Butram’eva, Certification Specialist, Certification Body MosGortTest, Moscow, Russia, nastassi95@yandex.ru
Z.G. Toyboldinova, Director, Limited Liability Partnership Ayuka Group, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, t_zuhra@mail.ru Dr. V.L. Shper, Associate Professor, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, vlad.shper@gmail.com
key words
exploratory data analysis, efficiency of domestic and foreign companies, revenue, profit, labor productivity
Using the methods of exploratory data analysis, we have recorded the correlation between the efficiency of domestic and foreign companies, compared how the effectiveness of both has changed in the last ten years (from 2005 to 2015/2016). In the course of the study it turned out that with the help of this method it is possible to extract many important conclusions even with a limited amount of information. In particular, we have found out that the efficiency of companies in terms of their income does not mean that they have high rates of labor productivity.
We believe that in trying to catch up with world leaders, Russian entrepreneurs should pay attention not only to the revenues and / or capitalization of their companies, but also to labor productivity, expressed in indices revenue per employee and profit per employee.
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