Factory’s Оpen Рroject Сoncept for the Production of Aerated Concrete Blocks
Dr. V.S. Laguta, General Director, CJSC, Institute of Industrial Researches, Moscow, Russia, ipilp@mail.ru A.Yu. Malykhin, Head of Sector, Research and Training Center, Robotics, Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia, mo_lex@mail.ru
A.A. Filippov, General Director, LLC, DSK GRAS-Kaluga, Moscow, Russia, zavod@fkgras.ru
key words
import substitution, automated factory, concept, integration, management system, Petri net
1. http://dskgras.ru.
2. http://allbeton.ru.
3. http://acc-plant.ru.
This article provides an example of the development of the management system project as part of the factory site DSK GRAS-Kaluga.
Modernization of production, that uses imported equipment and technology, is possible on the basis of experience and domestic developments. Such modernization can significantly reduce the dependence on imported components and know- hows. Especially sensitive such issues are in periods of sanctions’ exacerbations and fluctuations of commodity prices on world markets. We have asked: Is there any solutions to the problem? As a positive response we provide an example of the development of the management system project as part of the factory site DSK GRAS- Kaluga. The problem outlined and the concept for its solution is quite common for a lot of companies trying not only to survive, but also to build their capacity. This is not yet a guide to action, but an option that can be studied and discussed.
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5. Khopkroft Dzh., Motvani R., Ul’man Dzh. Vvedenie v teoriyu avtomatov, yazykov i vychisleniy [Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computing], Kiev, Wil’yams, 2002.
6. Maksimov A.A. Odin podkhod k postroeniyu konechno-avtomatnoy upravlyayushchey seti [An approach to constructing finite automaton control network], Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Priborostroenie, Spetsial’nyi vypusk, 2012, no. 6.