Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

Innovation and Technology Clusters

as a Progressive Form of Economic Growth

Dr. M.V. Danilina, Associate Professor, Risk Analysis and Economic Security Department, Federal State Budgetary

Institution on Higher Professional Education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (FSBI HPE

Finuniversitet’), Moscow, Russia, marinadanilina2014@yandex.ru

Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution, FSBI HPE

Finuniversitet’, Moscow, Russia, erosserg@mail.ru

key words

gas, cluster, gas and petrochemical industry, competitiveness, petrochemical cluster


Improving the competitiveness of products is one of the main conditions for the transition to a qualitatively new economic growth. We believe that to increase the competitiveness of Russian enterprises is possible through a network of innovation and technology clusters. As an example we have studied eight inter-district petrochemical clusters created in accordance with the Plan of gas and petrochemical industries for the period up to 2030.
In our study we have analyzed the advantages of clusters and their ability to function in the field of gas and petrochemical industries in Russia. To conduct the study, we have analyzed the volume of private investment in production, development and marketing of new products from various industry groups, the structure of funding sources for the clusters development and have compared the share of revenues from sales of non-oil products.
We spent the ranking of the Russian economy on the investment attractiveness, based on the SWOT-analysis, and identified a group of industry leaders, middle and outsiders and potentially promising points of gross value added growth. In addition, we assessed the possibility of coordinated development of related industries oriented to the certain products production and have used this approach to identify indicators to assess the potential for development of each sub-sector.
As a result of the study, we concluded that the proposed methodology for assessing and calculating the effectiveness of the approach matches with both existing and emerging innovation and technology clusters.

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