Perfection of Quality Management at Enterprises of Agroindustrial Complex

Dr. P.V. Golinitskiy, Metrology Senior Lecturer, Standardization and Quality Management Department of the Russian State

Agrarian University, Moscow Agricultural Academy of K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia,

Yu.G. Vergazova, Metrology Senior Lecturer, Standardization and Quality Management Department of the Russian State

Agrarian University, Moscow Agricultural Academy of K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia

U.Yu. Antonova, Metrology Assistant, Standardization and Quality Management Department of the Russian State Agrarian

University, Moscow Agricultural Academy of K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia,

key words

quality management system, quality tools, quality management methods, quality costs, process approach


Similarly, modern methodologies and concepts in the field of quality management at the repair enterprises of the agroindustrial complex on the process approach are considered. Systematization of inconsistencies and reporting on them in quality cost forms, planning for their proper redistribution (corrective measures) is one of the primary tasks for quality specialists and company employees responsible for certain processes, we believe. That is, the implementation of the organizational scheme of monitoring the cost of quality. The formation of a modern QMS at a machine-building and repair enterprise requires the simultaneous use of Lean production methods and

6 sigma based on the process approach. At the same time, mechanisms are launched that allow forming critical points and adjusting the accounting of losses in production processes, introduce modern tools, tools and methods of quality management, as well as analyze the positive and negative dynamics of elements of quality costs.

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