Kompetentnost' 8/129/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
Innovative Technologies. Construction of New Plant
Prof. Dr. A.E. Artes, Professor, FSBEI, HPE, Moscow State University of Technology, STANKIN, Moscow, Russia, k_spd@stankin.ru
A.G. Dudkinskiy, Master, FSBEI, HPE, Moscow State University of Technology, STANKIN, Moscow, Russia, andreyd007@gmail.com
A.S. Ponomarev, Chief Technologist, CJLC, Cientific and Production Association, Tyazhpromarmatura, Aleksin, Russia, a.ponomarev@ogscomp.ru
A.S. Povarov, Head of Technology Group, CJLC, Cientific and Production Association, Tyazhpromarmatura, Aleksin, Russia, A.povarov@ogscomp.ru
key words
punching hydraulic press, innovative technologies, new equipment and die tooling
The technological capabilities of the new enterprise Suhodol Spetstyazhmash that was opened in 2014 in the Tula region are described in the given article. Sukhodol special heavy engineering plant is a unique investment project that was carried out in less than three years. Construction of this building required a large number of related infrastructural facilities, since the plant was built from scratch. Sukhodol plant is designed to produce large-sized products of complex configuration in weight from 600 to 20 000 kg of sheet steel and round billets for various industries such as valve manufacturing, apparatus building, energy, oil and gas production, and others. At the factory is mastered the patented process of manufacturing large-sized forgings half-shells of ball valves on the unique dual-action hydraulic press of force 140 MN. Advanced technical equipment of the plant offers great prospects for the introduction of innovative technical solutions to the production in order to increase labor productivity and resources efficiency. Construction of the second stage of the plant is expected. It will expand the range of products.
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