Best Available Techniques: Conformity Assessment
Prof. Dr. T.V. Guseva, Bureau of Russian Best Available Techniques, Head of Training and Consulting Center, Dmitry
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. О.Yu. Chechevatova, Deputy Head of Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia,
key words
conformity assessment, integrated environmental permit, environmental regulation, evaluation criteria, experts, BAT guides
We propose approaches to forming a system of competent and independent conformity assessment in the field of Best Available Techniques. On one hand, such assessment is crucially important in procedures of granting Integrated Environmental Permits to major polluters. On the other hand, expert conformity assessment should become a part of procedures developed to make decisions on the financial support of enterprises aiming to improve their environmental performance and to reach requirements of Best Available Techniques. We reckon that over 5,000 Integrated Environmental Permit applications and several thousand applications for the financial support will need to be assessed as soon as in 2019–2024. We suggest that conformity assessment experts can be recruited from professional bodies specialized in Best Available Techniques, environmental engineering and safety. A new society of chartered experts in Best Available Techniques should support modern environmental reform in Russia and provide for the transparency of environmentally sound decision-making.
1. Report on environmental development of the Russian Federation for the benefit of future generations, Moscow, Kremlin, 2016 (in Russia).
2. RF Government order of 02/06/2016 № 1082-r. Plan of the main measures for holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017 (in Russia).
3. BAT teaching material, part 1–3, Moscow, АSMS, 2016.
4. GOST R 56828.13–2016 Best Available Techniques: Technology description framework.
5. GOST R 56828.14–2016 Best Available Techniques: The structure of the information and technical reference book.
6. Begak M., Guseva T., Molchanova Ya., Manvelova A. Challenges of the environmental reform in Russia //16-th International
Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo Conference, SGEM 2016, Book 5, v. 1, pp. 133–140.